Blue Grey Shirt Black Jeans Brown Ankle Boots
Brown Bracelet
Black Jeans
Brown Suede Tan Shoes
Blue Gray Shirt
You leave the shirt untucked to create a casual outfit. Make sure you roll up the sleeves and wear a pair of casual sneakers. To transform this outfit into a formal outfit simply tuck in the shirt and wear dress shoes like Formal Outfit with Blue Grey Shirt, Black Jeans, and Black Leather Shoes!
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Black Jeans
Brown Suede Tan Shoes
Blue Gray Shirt
You leave the shirt untucked to create a casual outfit. Make sure you roll up the sleeves and wear a pair of casual sneakers. To transform this outfit into a formal outfit simply tuck in the shirt and wear dress shoes like Formal Outfit with Blue Grey Shirt, Black Jeans, and Black Leather Shoes!
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