What is so Great about Banana Republic T-shirts?

Blue V-neck T-shirt, Gray Belt, Gray Jeans
Photo #1
Black V-neck T-shirt, White Belt, Dark Blue Jeans
Photo #2
Banana Republic T-shirts are one of my favorites. They are soft and comfortable. Even after multiple washes their t-shirts still feel super soft. One thing special about their T-shirts is they are tag free. Also the price of a Banana Republic T-shirt is reasonable. There are lots of cool solid color t-shirts you can get at bargain prices at clearance at any Banana Republic store.

Banana Republic Solid Color T-shirts
Funnily I've only purchased solid color T-shirts at Banana Republic. I don't recall seeing many graphic t-shirts, but their solid color tees are top notch.

Photo #1 shows a solid sky blue v-neck long sleeve t-shirt paired with gray jeans and belt. This sky blue t-shirt goes extremely well with gray jeans.

Photo #2 shows a solid black v-neck long sleeve t-shirt paired with dark blue jeans. A black t-shirt pairing dark blue jeans is a classic outfit!

Photo #3 shows a solid white v-neck long sleeve t-shirt paired with light blue jeans. A white t-shirt pairing light blue jeans is also a classic casual outfit!

Use Accessories!
A T-shirt goes well with almost everything. It is for ever in style. Simple clothes can bring out the best image. A tee with trimmed blue jean gives you the natural look. A silver pendant makes you stand out from the crowd. Don't wear too many accessories; otherwise your T-shirt will look too complicated and heavy to the eye.
White V-neck T-shirt under White Dress Shirt
Photo #3

Learn how to Wear Yellow T-shirts! Men's Yellow Short Sleeve Graphic Tee
Yellow T-shirts Go Well with Purple according to the Color Wheel!

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Men's Fashion For Less - by Michael Wen and Gloria Lee.

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